
1. Introduction: Skeletal muscle injuries are up to 55% of all of the recreations injuries and causes extortionate longterm pain and physical disability, Muscles strains and contusions representing significantly more than 90% of all of the recreations related injuries and so are the absolute most muscular injuries frequent.


1. Introduction: Skeletal muscle injuries are up to 55% of all of the recreations injuries and causes extortionate longterm pain and physical disability, Muscles strains and contusions representing significantly more than 90% of all of the recreations related injuries and so are the absolute most muscular injuries frequent.

The gym population comprises of everyone from children, adolescents, adults to seniors. These categories of people have different goals for training in fitness center from wanting to keep fit and control bodyweight to conditioning the human body to execute at its highest level in competition so it is quite normal to see professional recreations men to workout at the fitness center in addition with people doing rehabilitation exercises. (Yigal Pinchas, 2006)

Aided by the increase amount of people planning to gym, the risk of accident taking place in them increased. Gym injuries can cover anything from minor injuries such as for example tiny shallow cuts and bruises to severe sprain and strain, crushed body parts and hardly ever death. Weight room injuries has wake public awareness when a University of Southern California American football player star had been injured to his throat and had been happy to survive when his bench press bar slipped from his hand and fell on him. Mr Stafon Johnson received lots of 275 pound nearly 125 kg on his throat and had to undergo multiple neck and throat surgeries. He couldn’t speak for months as a result of his injuries. Another very severe case of injury took place when another American football player nearly got his fingers ripped off while training in the weight room ( Josh Staph, 2010). Reed Remington was doing shoulder press with a load of 165 pound (75 kg), when he found out he didn’t have enough power to push it up from head level, he arched his back again to try to lock it out but lost balance while doing so, so he tried to toss the weight bar in front of his head but finished up obtaining the bar hitting his head while falling down, his right hand got caught involving the weight as well as the apparatus holding the weight which crushed his index finger and ripped it off. After surgery, Reed Remington had to keep at hospital for five days and 3 days at home for recovery (Tim Rogers, 2010).

Manual handling of loads is describe while the action of lifting, pulling & pushing, moving, lowering, holding and carrying any things utilising the force created from the human anatomy.

As seen above, weight training exercise injury has a lot of time to heal up, leading to temporary impairment and sometimes permanent disabilities if the injury is severe. This affects the income of a working people, his social life and family members life and the organization currently employing him.

With fitness center getting decidedly more popular these days, greater numbers of individuals are adopting weight training exercise in their lifestyle. In accordance with a statistic report published into THE NY TIMES, weight training exercise injuries are on the raise as a result of it gathering popularity and trainees dropping their weight where they need ton’t. From year 1990 to 2007 data collected shows us that nearly one million Americans find yourself at emergency part into the hospital due to strength training injuries and that a yearly increase of 48 percents were noticed in that period. In line with The American Journal of Sports Medicine, of this 970,000 people injured, 82 % were guys but this trend is changing, number of injuries among females doing weight training exercise is regarding the rise yearly with 63 % as opposed to guys which is 46 %. This might be due to the increase of women adopting gym training in their lifestyle. People involving the age 13 to 24 recorded the most quantity of injuries but concern is rising with people between 45 to above while they have recorded the maximum increase of weight training exercise injuries as numerous of those desire to postpone or regain the muscle tissue loss due to ageing (Jane E Brody, 2010)

The absolute most common injures encountered among females were in the near order of their legs and legs while in guys the majority were the torso and hand. Fractures were mostly reported among females while guys suffered more from sprain and strain. Most of the injuries encountered were by dropping weight on on their own with parts of the body being crushed or by getting hit by the apparatus they have been exercising. Loss in balance, overexertion and muscle tissue pull formed 14 percent of injuries which were treated at emergency rooms and 90 % of the injuries happened while using free weight than weight machine (Nicholas Bakalar, 2010)

In Mauritius the normal income of workers is about Rs18,247 monthly in accordance with a survey done by the Mauritius Employers’ Federation. (Nilen Kattany, 2011). This have give rise to different fitness center service facilities wanted to Mauritian around the world. They have been categories by how many service they feature, from new sophisticated ergonomic well maintained up to date weight machine, free weight and coaching system, sauna facility, air conditioned room, good lighting to old out of fashion weight machine from the 1960, Weight machine constructed by owner of this fitness center by welding iron bars which sometimes isn’t ergonomic for all since it isn’t adjustable, bad flooring while the owner hasn’t repaired a floor that has been damaged by dropping free weight about it which develop a threat of slip, trip and falls , no coaching system such as for example municipal gym multi sport complex where you have the weight machine and free weight but no one to spot you which could lead to accidents as an example being crushed under a bench press bar, coaching system but with unqualified coach, congested areas where you can find way too many people training at the same time and you have the risk of being hit by some body training by having a weight while moving around and poorly maintained weight machine. Gyms offering good services can be high priced in Mauritius by having a monthly membership charges of Rs1000 to way more most Mauritian (especially teenagers due to their low income) would rather train in gym offering low to medium services where monthly charges may cover anything from free (Municipal Gym Multisport complex) to Rs 900 making them more exposed to weight training exercise injuries.

To minimise the risk of manual handling injuries in Weight training Gym.

To identify the chance elements contributing to manual handling injuries in weight training exercise exercises.

Identify common weight training exercise exercises which includes a substantial threat of bodily injuries.

Gauge the threat of bodily injuries due to gym environment, individual factors such gender and age

Provide recommendation to minimise the accidents.

Manual handling of loads is describe while the action of lifting, pulling & pushing, moving, lowering, holding and carrying any things whether lively or dead utilizing the force created by the human anatomy.

The Occupational safety and health act 2005 points out the legal dependence on safe practices that an employer has to abide. Although OSHA 2005 focus mainly on employees, it is the duty of this employer to make sure that people other than his employees are not afflicted with safe practices dilemmas arising during operation of his business

In accordance with part (5)(2) General duties of employers, the employer shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, ” offer and maintain a safe working environment”, “provide and maintain any plant or system of work”, “maintain any workplace under his control that is safe and without risks to health”, “ensure that use, handling, of articles is safe and without risks to health” and “provide information, instruction, training and direction as is important to ensure the safety and health at work of his employees”.

Part 10 of OSHA 2005 stressed the legal obligation of an employer to hold down a risk assessment. “Every employer shall, within 1 month of this start of operation of his undertaking, produce a suitable and enough assessment of any risk towards the safety and health to which any employee is exposed whilst he could be at work”, “and any risk towards the safety and health of anybody maybe not in his employment”.

In accordance with this part, every employer shall (a) up to now so far as is reasonably practicable, prevent the need for his employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work which involve a threat of bodily injury (b) where it is not reasonably practicable in order to avoid the need for his employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work which involve a threat of bodily injury-

simply take appropriate steps to cut back the risk of bodily injury to those employees arising out of their undertaking any such manual handling operations towards the lowest level reasonably practicable.

simply take appropriate steps to deliver any one of those employees who’re undertaking such manual handling operations with general indications and exact information on the weight and nature of each and every load to be handled.

provide sufficient training in the safe techniques or types of manual lifting and handling to any employee that is required into the normal length of his work regularly to carry, carry or move loads exceeding 18 kilograms for almost any employee

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Part 84 (3) defines manual handling as any transporting or supporting of a load, like the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof by hand or by bodily force. This definition reflect exactly the exercises practiced in weight training exercise exercises.

Although these legislation focus mainly on employees, it is the legal duty of this employer to ensure the safety and health of any visitors visiting the workplace. Through the use of these measures towards the fitness center, you won’t only influence the safe practices of this employees but in addition impact regarding the visitors that may reduce the likelihood of fines and any civil prosecutions due to injuries. In accordance with OSHA 2005, the maximal penalty under this act is RS75,000 and at the most one year imprisonment.

In this subsection, we will get into detail in regards to the several types of people frequenting the gymnasium, they have been divided in to different generation and needs to train in gyms. They have been particularly children, adolescents, adults, seniors,

Children are called some body beneath the age of twelve. Children before this age weren’t allowed to workout in fitness center in the usa as there was fear that children practicing weight training exercise would be prone to injuries such as damaged growth cartilage which will stunt their growth. Research done by Docherty, Wenger, Collis, & Quinney, Hetherington also concluded that weight training exercise at this age had been futile as none of these research could demonstrate any adequate increase in power and muscle mass from test subject doing weight training exercise as of this age. Their theory because of this result had been it absolutely was because children lack enough androgens within their blood as of this age (Androgen could be the hormone in charge of the development of skeletal lean muscle mass). Theory about children staying at more threat of injuries when practicing weight training exercise had been confirmed by report published by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission into the year 1987 which learned that of this 8543 weight training related injuries a lot of them were younger than 14 yrs . old. But present research done by Faigenbaum, Milliken, Moulton, & Westcott in 2007 unearthed that precisely designed resistance training exercise ( weight training exercise) for children and adolescents increased their muscle tissue power and decreased the likely hood of injuries and that data from previous research had been inaccurate as training exercises use to collect data had been for adult. (Aleksandar Ignjatović et Al, 2009). Doing weight training at this age proved to contribute for better posture, improved self-confidence, donate to improve motor abilities and intramuscular coordination. These data became much relevant as soon as we realise that children school straight back pack bags that they carry weights approximately 32 % of these total body weight so training at fitness center will help consolidate the weaker muscle tissue group and help them within their lifestyle. Prior to starting any exercises, the little one must be examined by way of a physician to ascertain its shape. Training as of this age must be strictly supervised, light weight must be use until he or she learn the appropriate practices, add weight slowly when 8 to 15 repetition is performed easily and exercises should be design to function all muscle tissues and start to become performed to full extension of joint movement. To get power, workout should at the very least be 20 to 30 mins long and be performed 2 to 3 times weekly with gradual increase of training weight or repetition when power of muscle improves. Due to skeletal and physical immaturity young ones should avoid any form of competitive weight training exercise such as for example bodybuilding, power lifting, strength training as they would be tempted to carry maximal weight to compete. (PEDIATRICS, 2001; Yigal Pinchas, 2006 )

Adolescent is called some body involving the age of 12 and 17 yrs . old. Physical activity as of this age is crucial for attaining the optimum development and growth potential of this human anatomy. It is because after these ages, the skeletal system will start to hardened and will also be less stimulated by physical exercises and development of the skeletal system will stunt even if weight training exercise exercises is employed. Resistance training as of this age can be carried out with dumbells, weight training exercise machine and by utilising the human anatomy own weight. Resistance training as of this age must be strictly supervised such as for example frequency of training, forms of exercises done, intensity and duration of exercises to make certain power increase of this adolescent and minimum threat of injuries (Yigal Pinchas, 2006) . As of this age, muscle tissue size, power and power are lost easily after 6 days of total sleep so maintenance exercises is a must so as to store progress. Adolescent resistance training can increase the athletic performance in recreations such as for example American football where power and size of human anatomy things. Despite theories that strength training really helps to reduced or stop sport related muscular skeletal injuries in adolescent scientific research have failed to confirm it but present research implies that there exists a possible lowering of sports-related knee ligament injuries in teenage girls when resistance training is along with plyometric exercises. (Pediatrics, 2008) The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) use by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission has believed from year 1991 to 1996 that 20 940 to 26 120 injuries took place annually in individual less than 21 yrs . old. Data collected from NEISS as well as other studies reported that 40 to 70 % of this injuries were from muscle tissue strain and most muscle strain took place in lumbar straight back area. Prior to starting any exercises, the adolescent must be examined by way of a physician to ascertain its shape. Training as of this age must be strictly supervised, light weight must be use until he or she learn the appropriate practices, add weight slowly when 8 to 15 repetition is performed easily and exercises should be design to function all muscle tissues and start to become performed to full extension of joint movement. To get power, workout should at the very least be 20 to 30 mins long and be performed 2 to 3 times weekly with gradual increase of training weight or repetition when power of muscle improves. Due to skeletal and physical immaturity adolescent should avoid any form of competitive weight training exercise such as for example bodybuilding, power lifting, and strength training as they would be tempted to carry maximal weight to compete (PEDIATRICS, 2001). Most adolescents in Mauritius are influence by western cultures where muscular figures are seen every-where in movies or advertisement. More are them are tempted these days to engage in weight training exercise and would rather go in low services fitness center while they don’t can pay for, common issue in these fitness center are they are not supervised and adolescents want quick results where they lift weight without learning the appropriate lifting techniques and sometimes exaggerate on weight size to get muscle tissue quickly which most of the time trigger serious injuries such as back problems.

Most of the adult that can come to work through in fitness center do this to exercise as they attended to just accept that exercises is important to have a sound physical and mental health. During this period the human body is fully developed and ready to accept complex training, increased load, frequencies and duration of exercises (Yigal Pinchas, 2006). With most people employed in offices these days and medical condition such as overweight and cardiovascular problem at their doorsteps, physical activity has become very important these days. In line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about 600,000 people died of heart disease each year in the usa, in Mauritius, concern is rising about heart diseases when diabetic and obesity which always leads to heart problem is regarding the rise (CDC, 2013). Since 1987, Mauritius has recorded a growth of sixty percent of diabetic among adult. Nearly 1 / 2 of Mauritian involving the age of 25 to 74 is either diabetic or pre-diabetic (Mauritius News Team, 2010). Weight training exercise is amongst the methods to the situation as it could reduce fat by increasing the metabolic process of this human anatomy on quick and longterm. That is due to the fact that weight training exercise builds lean muscle which metabolise fat in the body to cultivate. But weight training exercise can also cause injuries if done carelessly. In accordance with data collected from 100 emergency departments, guys were more injured than females from weight training exercise exercises (82.3%). This might be due to the undeniable fact that more men carry weight than females. Most of the injuries took place as a result of free weight (90.4%) & most of these injuries took place when the users drop the free weight on on their own or hit themselves by mistakes while using it (65.5%). The upper trunk and lower trunk were the absolute most injured body part on guys with 25.3% and 19.7% respectively. The most frequent diagnostic resulting from these injuries was sprain and strain with 46.1%. Females suffered more from foot injuries and fractures than guys. (Zachary Y. Kerr et al, 2010).

As of this age where muscle tissue loss as well as other infection such as for example osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases happens very gradually with ageing, physical activity is a must in order to keep the human body fit and away from these infection. As of this age working out making use of weight is an excellent way to increase muscle mass and reduce fats in the body within the same time increase bone denseness to combat a number of the osteoporosis and loss in balance as a result of weakened muscle tissue. Exercises should be supervise by way of a qualified trainer as frequency, intensity, number of repetition, duration of the exercises and form of exercises would be distinctive from those of this other generation. Senior should always consult well a medical practitioner before doing any form of exercises because of the fact that a lot of of that time period they will have orthopaedic dilemmas such as for example joint problem and cardiac problem and special form of exercises must be made for them to eliminate any exercises that will pose a health risk. Senior should visit fitness center 3 times weekly to gain adequate power and a sleep time of 48 hours between sessions. Exercises must be design so as all muscle tissues and joints are trained equally per week, duration of session must be at the very least 20 minutes but no more than 45 mins. When progress in power is observed, repetition or weight must be added in each exercise. But as a result of orthopaedic and cardiac problem, weight addition might be a problem so other factors like repetition could compensate this dilemma (Darryn S. Willoughby, 2009). In accordance with statistic, the number of injuries among old people is regarding the rise. Most of the injuries happen while they used weight training exercise machine. The most frequent injuries were overexertion and while doing exercises that involve pulling and lifting exercises.

To know exactly how these several types of injuries occur and how to avoid them, we ought to understand how the human anatomy work.

The spine is just a column comprising of different material particularly bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, cartilages and nerves all assemble together to make a very strong yet flexible structure in areas such as the neck and lower back.

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(Wikipedia, 2006)C:UsersDavidDesktopgymNew folderGray_111_-_Vertebral_column-coloured.png

The lumbar spine is in the spine area where the 5 last vertebrae the L1 to L5 bones are observed like noticed in the picture above. The vertebrae will be the 33 bones by means of a disc that connects together to make the vertebral column, the vertebra has a gap at the center where the back passes through therefore acts as a protection and support. The lumbar spine bears force of this human anatomy and absorbs any stress from movement such as for example lifting or carrying heavy things. This is why the vertebra bones are bigger of this type.

Each vertebra sits and is separated by an intervertebral disc and prevents the rubbing of these bones. The intervetebral disc has 2 layers the outer ring called the annulus as well as the inner ring called nucleus. The annulus is made of fibres bands criss-crossing each other and attaches both the upper and lower vertebrae together. The nucleus, the inner ring is filled up with a gel like substance called the nucleus and act as a cushion between both vertebra. The intervetebral disc function like coil spring where the annulus compress both vertebrae together as well as the nucleus being and uncompressible liquid push the vertebrae away so a gap between both vertebrae is formed. This gap allows the nucleus being uncompressible to function like a ball bearing where in fact the vertebrae roll about it and so making the vertebral column flexible. With age, the intervertebral disc loses progressively the capacity to soak up the liquid making the nucleus and so it becomes flatter and brittle leading to loss in height (Tonya Hines, 2013)

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Most of the time, straight back pain injuries occur as a result of injuries and degeneration of this intervertebral discs. Degeneration takes place due to wear and tear of this intervertebral discs while doing movement such lifting heavy weight, bending over which put stress regarding the disc. While doing these movements, compression of this intervertebral disc takes place and can move the disc toward the back and surrounding nerve. This displacement results in the compression of this spinal nerve and put strain on nearby ligaments that causes the back pain. Movement where both twisting and bending occurs put more strain on the spine


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Efficacy of growth factors concentration (hGH, IGF-1, FGF-2, PDGF, VEGF) after autologous Platelet-rich plasma injection (PRP) on accelerating healing of proximal hamstring tear for athletes.

Ahmed Gaballah

1- Department of Sports Health Sciences, Damietta University, Damietta, Egypt.

2- Kinesiology and Health Sciences Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA


Platelet rich plasma (PRP) become popular biologically method used to accelerate healing in recreations medicine and orthopaedic surgery field. PRP is concentrate the human platelets to supra-physiologic levels. It is an autologous producing advanced level of this platelets concentration centrifuged from the peripheral vein. Then it re-injected under the ultrasound gaudiness during surgery or at a niche site of injury. METHOD: Seventeen physically active males (age 22.0±0.6) with acute hamstring strain injuries divided to 8 situation group and 9 matched controls (age 21.6±2.8) were recruited as research participants. Situation group participants were injected with single 3 ml of extracted PRP under ultrasound gaudiness. However, Blood samples were collected by venipuncture at standardized time points: ahead of the injection and 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after for situation group and 4wks. and 8wks for both groups. RESULTS: there was significantly difference between the growth factors link between the situation group after 30 days weighed against the 8 weeks result of the control group. Furthermore, the same significant results between the two groups after the 8 weeks. Nonetheless, the physical measurements related with hamstring Strain and Knee flexion range of flexibility involving the two groups are not significant after 30 days or 8 weeks. CONCLUTION: just one 3-mL injection of autologous PRP along with a rehabilitation program had been effective with time come back to play and reducing the severity of pain after a acute grade 2 hamstring injury. Furthermore, increase in circulating concentrations of VEGF, IGF-1, PDGF and FGF-2.

Key Words: Platelet rich plasma (PRP), Human Growth Factors, Hamstring Tear.

1. Introduction:

Skeletal muscle injuries are up to 55% of all of the recreations injuries and causes extortionate longterm pain and physical disability, Muscles strains and contusions representing significantly more than 90% of all of the recreations related injuries and so are the absolute most muscular injuries frequent. [1] [2]  Proximal hamstring tear injuries are normal in athletes and frequently result in prolonged rehabilitation, time missed from play, and a significant threat of re-injury. Reports of acute hamstring strains without avulsion in dancers have suggested recovery times for return-to-play including 30 to 76 days [3].

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Platelet rich plasma (PRP) become popular biologically method used to accelerate healing in recreations medicine and orthopaedic surgery field. PRP is concentrate the human platelets to supra-physiologic levels. It is an autologous producing advanced level of this platelets concentration centrifuged from the peripheral vein. Then it re-injected under the ultrasound gaudiness during surgery or at a niche site of injury [4] [5]. As a result of the dearth side-effect as well as the autologous nature of PRP, it has utilized exponentially throughout the last several years in recreations medicine and orthopaedic. Historically, since the 1950s the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used to dermatological conditions and manage maxillofacial as well [6]. Furthermore, Platelet-derived preparations including PRP were first managed by WADA beneath the 2010 Prohibited List as a result of concerns that the elevated concentrations of growth factors in PRP may confer a unfair advantage to treated athletes. However, WADA lifted the ban on PRP last year in recognition of this lack of evidence to aid a systemic performance-enhancing effect and to allow further research into the field [7].

Indeed, the blood contains 6% platelets, 1% white blood cells, and 93% red blood cells.  The PRP strategy aims to reverse the concentration of this platelet in place of red cells to boost the growth factors that more useful in accelerating the healing. [8] However, Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is just a centrifuged blood product which contains a supraphysiologic amount of platelets. Therefore, the preparation process to product concentrative platelet above the baseline values have started having an autologous extraction of patients` blood, then by plasmapheresis centrifuged to secure a concentrated suspension of platelets. It then separates the solid and liquid components of the anticoagulated blood after a two-stage of centrifugation process [9]. The initial period separates the plasma and platelets from the erythrocytes and leucocytes. The second stage concentrates the platelets further into platelet-rich and platelet-poor plasma components [10] [11].

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) contains some biologic factors which were enhanced the proliferation and collagen secretion of tenocytes. These factors including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), and transforming growth factor β (TGF β) [12] [13]. There is an increasing the stimulus response of PDGF and TGF-β into the early stages of tendon and muscles healing after PRP injection leading to new vessel formation and collagen synthesis. [14]. In addition to decrease oxidative stress that may lead to mobile apoptosis, PRP has been promoted tendon and muscles mobile growth [15]. That is evidenced and reinforced by release of inflammatory meiators such as COX-1 and2, PGE-2 [16] [17].

Recently, you can find various approaches reported the benefits of treating the soft tissue injuries such as for example muscles tears and tendinosis by injecting platelet rich plasma (PRP). Not surprisingly popularization and increasing used in soft tissue injuries, its efficacy still not yet determined and stays controversial. It has been previously established that platelets provide regenerative potential by the process of chemo-taxis [18] [19] [20]. The application of PRP so that you can accelerate recovery time after muscle tissue injury has changed into a reasonably common practice in recreations medicine.