StudyBays.Me – You will be able to see Mars rovers, and …


I care about identifying strengths, but more on the job. I do not have a way to describe the work of each child. Supporting rating as feedback is also an oral assessment. It is not perhaps here is just to write and write. Do not demonize. “- says Jolanta Okuniewska, a teacher in the Primary School No. 13 in Olsztyn Profile Superbelfrzy group on Facebook. (Note about the author: Marcin Polak is the creator and editor of, is engaged in education and social communication, implementing social projects and commercial nationwide and internationally. He is also a member of the Superbelfrzy RP). More on assessment and learning in descriptive assessment is to help students learn new ways of learning about learning a new culture and learning / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init (); }); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 2899 ‘, commenttype:’ 1