.... – You will be able to see Mars rovers, and …


I care about identifying strengths, but more on the job. I do not have a way to describe the work of each child. Supporting rating as feedback is also an oral assessment. It is not perhaps here is just to write and write. Do not demonize. “- says Jolanta Okuniewska, a teacher in the Primary School No. 13 in Olsztyn Profile Superbelfrzy group on Facebook. (Note about the author: Marcin Polak is the creator and editor of, is engaged in education and social communication, implementing social projects and commercial nationwide and internationally. He is also a member of the Superbelfrzy RP). More on assessment and learning in descriptive assessment is to help students learn new ways of learning about learning a new culture and learning / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init (); }); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 2899 ‘, commenttype:’ 1 ‘, jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle:’ Assessment in schools more supportive ‘ , hidInputComment: ‘You must input comment.’ , HidInputWordInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail: ‘You must input email’, hidValidEmail: ‘Your email is invalid’, hidAgreeToAbide: ‘You must agree that abide by the website rules’ hidInputCaptcha: ‘You must input the captcha’, textQuoting ‘Quoting’ textQuote ‘Quote’, textPosting ‘Posting’, textReply: ‘comment Reply’, textCheckSpelling ‘No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 2899 & wound = 1507506167” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’ function (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘2899’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / As you explore the texture of the surface of the moon? Or you can create your own cloud? What is needed to make a boomerang? What is a vacuum? These and other questions will be found the answer during the 13th Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center, the 30th of May in hours. 11-20.00 New Town Square and Podzamcze in Warsaw. This Europe’s biggest outdoor event popularizing science every year, in one day, visited by nearly 120 thousand. people. A similar number of visitors, the organizers expect this year too. In reference to the announcement by the UN 2009 International Year of Astronomy, the slogan of this year’s event is “Learning among the stars.” Therefore, there will be demonstrations and experiments related to astronomy. For guests of this year’s Science Picnic many attractions. You will see remarkable inventions, fascinating experiments, the latest achievements of science and about 1,000 of fantastic shows and presentations from around the world, approximating scientific issues in an interesting and interactive way. The 220 tents will present more than 200 institutions from 20 countries, including Polish, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Mexico, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary and Italy. For the first time participated in the Science Picnic will take Cyprus, Spain, Japan and Norway, and the special guest this year will be the Czech Republic. The area tent city will occupy an area of ​​40 000 m2. The most spectacular shows will be seen on stage at the New Town. The division into special thematic sectors will allow faster to find interesting topic. Next to the University of towns, villages and Archaeological Villages European Space novelty will be the avenue, alley Nuclear, Biological and Medical Pavilion, Machinery Avenue, Museum Avenue and Avenue of Experiments. In the small town of Polytechnic organizers will present, among others, as photovoltaics (obtaining electricity from solar energy) can be used in home appliances, eg. A radio or fan. The attraction will surely be unmanned flying, magnetic levitating train and record vehicle droplet, who drove 409 kilometers on one liter of fuel. The Archaeological Village will be able to learn how the ancients imagined universe, as the Romans in the time of Caesar shared the week and days of the week as it was called at a time when it was still Monday. Volunteers Try and compare the Roman outfit with contemporary clothes and watch the Roman legionaries and barbaric warriors “live”. Underwater archeology enthusiasts will be able to try on the stand and see how the diver explores the underwater archaeological site. European Village will focus Picnic foreign visitors. What is new is the position of the European Union. Organizers will show you how to build a bridge from the boxes, which will not collapse, calculate how much we weigh on other planets, invite a virtual journey through the universe in a special planetarium and will present a hybrid car, “Hydrogen 7”. The Alley Space will be a close look meteorites – mysterious extraterrestrial rocks, look at the sun and other stars, using a number of telescopes and spotting scopes, look for planets outside our solar system, as well as see what he looked like first walk on the Moon crew of Apollo 11. Participants will attract Picnic the always popular racing and demonstrations of fighting robots. The participants, who might view street Atomic learn what the cosmic radiation and the impact it has on our planet. You will be able to see Mars rovers, and … try to generate electricity from a potato. The program will include presentation of student PW-Sat satellite and the first nuclear power plant project, which will be built in Poland. The Biological and Medical Pavilion will be able to build their own DNA and learn the truth about optical illusions and find out what the brain has in common with them? Guests watch carnivorous plants, know the truth and myths about bats and learn why some bacteria glow. The big attraction will be the presentation of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), for which the discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize last year. Read more … In the Avenue of Engineering will be presented, among others, model of hydroelectric power. You will also be able to check whether the child can lift a car engine remotely control robots, measure the distance using ultrasound or shoot simulator. Volunteers will take part in workshops to create computer games. The Avenue of the Museum will be able to see what tools used Copernicus and make measurements using instruments made according to his description, measure time using a sundial, as well as learn what united John Hevelius, an eminent Gdańsk astronomer, with the King Jan III Sobieski. Volunteers will be able to fly on a computer screen sports plane RWD-9, which over the years reconstructed the landscape of Warsaw from the 30s and dress and equip equipment in the living hussar. Experiments Avenue is a place that will attract visitors, among others, each extremely popular during the Science Picnic chemical volcano. You will see waves of colorful chemicals, take a photo without the camera lens, and finally learn why an airplane fly? Among the presentation will also bioogniwo fuel, lots of explosions and colorful flames -efektowne but safe magic shows related to physics and chemistry. 13. Science Picnic is also a mine of treasures and learning through play for children. Specially prepared for them, among others, ice carving workshop, miniwykopaliska, learning to walk on stilts for children, contests with prizes, games and fun. Children will be able to see how their voice is changing under the influence of helium, sit in a paraglider, and eat cookie chilled with liquid nitrogen. The most interesting shows will be presented in the form of streaming on the website: during the Picnic. Transmission from the course of events will carry Polish Radio Euro (on the air and as streaming, and the relationship will be broadcast on radio Jedynka, talon and Trinity. The objective of the Science Picnic is to disseminate knowledge from different disciplines through interesting experiments and experiences – both simple, archeology or related to the physics of low temperatures, and the latest achievements of contemporary scholars. Science Picnic aroused great interest in the European Union – it has been awarded by the European Commission as a model European project in the “Science and Society”. (Source: Polish Radio, photo: Polish Radio) / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 726 ‘, commenttype’ 1 ‘jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle’ Edutainment Polish Radio ‘hidInputComment:’ You must input comment. ‘, hidInputWo rdInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail: ‘You must input email’, hidValidEmail ‘ your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules ‘hidInputCaptcha:’ You must input the captcha ‘, textQuoting’ Quoting ‘textQuote’ Quote ‘, textPosting’ Posting ‘, textReply’ reply comment ‘, textCheckSpelling’ No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 726 & wound = 734011510” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’, fu nction (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘726’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / Which combines economical rabbit, funny guys producing T-shirts and a young entrepreneur just assuming your business? Well, they are all heroes winning films in the competition “Filmed economy”, organized by the portal, and co-financed by the Polish National Bank. We met just the winners. The competition from across the Polish record number of rushed work, as many as 308. Their creators were young people from secondary schools, whose task was to translate the film into four economic issues: 1. Daily financial decisions, the economy in our house; 2. How to become an entrepreneur, that is conducting business; 3. I can be rich, that is the role of money in our lives; 4. How to cope in the labor market, the supply and demand for labor. Wyselekcjonowało jury of 12 very diverse works. Among the films nominated there is a place for animation, a document, an animated tutorial, video, and well executed action films. These films in inventive, accessible and attractive way to pay attention to what each of the most important economic issues. The Internet voting winning movie created labor-intensive technique of stop motion (composed of about 1,600 individual photos) entitled 6 Steps to Success and showing that setting up a company is all very simple: all the authors did not lack imagination and creativity, just look at the titles: About inflation at dinner, Economic war on T-shirts, Coffee and budget. Collected on the site MillionYou videos can help teachers establishment or Wosu as an excellent, attractive, engaging youth educational tool. After saving on the deposit and investing in the stock market you can learn the rhythm of rapping song – Save and invest: A principle of supply and demand in a clear manner will put us unemployed knight, who lack dragons to kill, flip to trade pacifiers for children – Cumelek: półtoraminutowym showing in an otherwise serious work of economic issues managed to young artists phenomenally. They made it interesting, fun, with a lot of humor, but reliable knowledge. Once again proved that young people not only know how to passively acquire knowledge, but also to do with the artistic use, what is more – to create attractive educational materials for their peers and adults! Their civil war essay writer graphic skills, proficiency in camera and in the technical efficiency of treatment proves that they have to spend a lot of their time outside the classroom this passion.